Sunday, March 11, 2007

Czas zamykać

Czas zamykać tego bloga.


Saturday, July 22, 2006

2.2.9 i szukanie ludzi.

Udało się wypuścić 2.2.9.
Nie ma już złudzeń że brakuje czasu na normalny rozwój projektu dlatego szukamy osób które chciałyby zająć się bardziej projektem.
Jest nowa strona - łatwiej ją edytować przez co może być bardziej aktualna.
Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany rozwijaniem projektu daj znać.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Propably I'm back for a while

I've just install Linux on my laptop again (after a year pause with MacOSX) and propably I'll prepare new relase with fixes waitinh in CVS since a year or so ;) Hi. /krzak

Friday, August 12, 2005

Security Fix

Hi there people. Please update GG2 to the CVS version or wait for the official release :-)

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

eh... broken emoticons

There is issue with 2.2.6 and emoticons won't work propertly, It's fixed in CVS, we are waiting for anyone who confirm this fix and I'll release 2.2.7.

Monday, May 23, 2005

fast, faster, 2.2.6 ?

In these days we had movement in CVS by mkobierzycki who fix a lot of reported bugs. This mean only one thing.. 2.2.6 will be released soon, please test cvs snapshots and report bugs as soon as possible.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Debian, GPL, Openssl - the story

Because of Debian packages we Discuss about GPL and Openssl related stuff. It's hard to say.... but it was a huge mistake choosing GPL license for GNU Gadu, in my oppinion this license should be abandoned and forgot forever.... it's just evil.
However, we learn new things all the time.... as a results there will be internal libgadu ported to GNU TLS library (GPL License)... hope this help.
However ssl feature is not used by gadu-gadu protocol in real world AFAIK :)